Wednesday, June 24, 2020

“Some White People Have to Die for Black Communities to by Made Whole” Says UGA TA, Police Now Investigating   June 22, 2020  Mark Sidney

                     Opinion|... Mark Sidney| I am willing to bet my house that 99.9% of you reading this agree that America needs to continue to strive for equality of opportunity, that race should not come into play when making decisions, and that the idea that one race should be made, or is inherently, superior to another is absurd.

I think the majority of Americans, definitely all of my friends on the ‘right’ side of the political isle, and most if not all of my friends on the ‘left’ side of the isle, also agree with this idea.

However, there seems to be a very vocal (and disproportionately focussed on by the media) minority of people, who are not striving for racial equality, but rather for racial superiority.

Let’s be honest, we know there are some people on claim to be on the ‘right wing’ who think that Europeans are superior (something disavow and in no way endorse … which is pretty easy for me seeing as I come from a mixed family and am more Ashkenazi Jew than anything) and there are some on the left who seem to want to ‘give extra rights’ to minorities, all based on the amount of melanin in their skin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK a question - how MANY have to die and who gets to decide who they are? And if you ain't man enough to do the deed yourself, shut up.