Monday, August 31, 2020


Don't Tread On Me Right Wing Discussion                                                         

Now let me say this right off the bat, I am not a hunter, but I have zero against hunting, I have dozens of friends who love it, it’s just not my thing.

Regardless, it seems like a whole lot of people are getting the impression they are winning. I keep seeing "antiFA"s saying they’re gonna take it to the suburbs, and rural communities. I just wonder if these people realize, that there’s people who wait all year just to wake up a 3am, hike a couple miles in 0° weather, and sit in tree for 10 hours just to kill a moving target a few hundred yards away.

And when they kill something, they gut it, and hang it from a tree to skin it, then they put it in a truck and haul it out and BURY the remains. They look forward to this activity all year.

I REALLY don’t think these people in the streets understand their target demographic. 

To add some perspective on this 2,790,000 hunting licenses were issued in Pennsylvania alone. And that’s not even the most. That distinction goes to of all places Wisconsin that issued 2,836,703. Even NY issued 1,081,702 and none of these numbers include fishing, trapping, and other sporting licenses.

For some additional insight last week a baby faced 17 year old threw himself into the middle of what could be described as an apocalyptic scenario. Then after getting his head bashed in, with no formal tactical training he had the whereabouts to engage his assailant head on and delivered a kill shot. Continuing, as he was retreating, and only relying on survival instincts he managed to take out two additional attackers. 

Please understand, I’m not trying to anoint him a modern day Captain America. No normal human being wishes the burden of having to live with the memory of taking another humans life even if it was in self defense, especially if that person is 17.

My point is a whole lot of the people who hunt also have many more years of experience with a weapon. I’d also render it a safe conclusion a disproportionate number of hunters have military or other types of training when compared to these Antifa types. all of whom can probably take out more then 3 convicted felons.

One last tale a caution. All those millions of hunters, they are killing their prey for sport. Those animals did nothing, as Marissa Tomei said in My Cousin Vinny, “A sweet, innocent, harmless, leaf-eating, doe-eyed little deer. … Imagine you’re that kind of deer. You’re prancing along, you get thirsty, you spot a little brook, you put your little deer lips down to the cool clear water… BAM! A fucking bullet rips off part of your head! Your brains are laying on the ground in little bloody pieces!”

You on the other hand Mr. Antifa, are no bushy tailed deer. You are pissing off millions of people whose cities, businesses, and properties are being destroyed by you and your cohorts. You’re making my case harder every day to advocate for restraint. 

As I said in the very beginning, I am not a hunter, but I am a gun owner, I’m also a big fan of the second amendment. And as far as I recall there’s no mention of background checks, no waiting period, or even the need for a license to shoot an Antifa member if the situation arises.

That said, My advice to the black clad anarchist is tread lightly, but if not by all means, let start playing Patriots and Antifa. 

Oh I almost forgot, please return your RSVP by November 3rd so we can respond accordingly. 

Can I get an AMEN !!!