Monday, February 7, 2022

It IS Russia and It IS NOT a Hoax!  Kevin McCullough  Posted: Feb 06, 2022

With seemingly each passing hour we are seeing with eyes wide open how perilous and danger-filled each moment of weakness is degrading the very survival of our nation.

From press conferences to troop deployments the administration has sewn such a lack of confidence in America that literally all of our enemies are active and prepping themselves to simply do as they please.

And it’s NOT just Russia…

Late this week the terrorists running Iran had such an upper hand in ongoing “talks” about restarting the previously disastrous “Iran Nuclear Deal” that our state department agreed to waivers that in essence lift sanctions.

“And that without the waiver, ‘detailed technical discussions with third parties regarding the disposition of stockpiles and other activities of nonproliferation value cannot take place.’”

So… we are so bad at the negotiations that we just throw things at them that they want hoping that they will keep talking to us? Impressively the terrorists in charge seem to have a clearer picture of where things stand.

“The other party removes the unjust sanctions, there will be a possibility to revive the pact," Raisi (the new “president”) told Iran's state TV, according to Reuters.

There is also of course China…

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