Thursday, April 14, 2022

Before you get all excited...Watch this video and lisyen carefully, It's really not as good as it first sounds.....AND if you live in Pennsylvania...we're surrounded by NON-RECIPRICATORS

Carry a Gun While Traveling: Federal Safe Passage and Transport Across State Lines   Armed Attorneys 

Today’s questions: How can you travel across states lines with a gun? How do you have to store the firearm? What is considered "traveling?" What is the federal safe passage law? The Armed Attorneys break down the gun law that applies to the safe passage provisions of the Firearm Owner's Protection Act and legally travelling with a gun.

1 comment:

Dan said...

This law only protects you if you have the cash to fight charges in court using this law. Ignorant badgemonkeys ignore the law as do agenda driven prosecutors. You only have the justice you can afford.