Monday, July 31, 2023

 Hunter Biden's Phony Plea Deal Dissected   By George Rasley, CHQ Editor

Our legal system is based on what are called “adversarial proceedings,” meaning two opposing sides battle it out in front of an unbiased jury and/or a judge, presenting evidence and interpretations of law in a trial, the results of which are findings of fact and law and a judgement for or against one of the parties.

But what if the parties aren’t really adversaries? What if they are for all intents and purposes on the same side?

That would be considered a perversion of justice by most normal Americans, yet that is how Democrats operate all the time, see the “sue and settle” deals with liberal environmental and so-called voting rights groups for examples.

How did Hunter Biden get such a sweet deal?

Well, the fix was in through the Biden family’s creation of what has become “the Delaware way.” Meaning a go along-get along system fueled by connections among the self-appointed elite of Delaware’s political, business, and legal community.

While supposedly prosecuting Hunter Biden, Delaware prosecutor Alex Mackler shows up in an October 16, 2018, message on Hunter’s laptop:

“[W]as wondering how life is on your end. Last you told me you were out in LA. Gimme a call sometime we can catch up. Love you brother”

(Thanks to the Marco Polo project and Paul Sperry for that catch.)

So, a deal “negotiated” between “brothers” is the kind of perversion of justice that Democrats were attempting when they “negotiated” the Hunter Biden plea deal that U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika unexpectedly rejected.

We say unexpectedly because, as Don Surber wrote in his Substack column, Someone finally told Hunter no:

In March, she tossed John Paul Mac Isaac’s defamation case against CNN, Politico, and Hunter Biden. Isaac was the computer repairman who had taken Hunter’s laptop to the FBI, whic urally when she got Hunter’s criminal case for failing to pay taxes on his bribes and a gun felony, people assumed the fix was in. The Biden administration offered a sweetheart plea deal with Hunter and the Biden-approved judge would simply rubber-stamp.

In rejecting the sweetheart deal Judge Noreika also threw some very unwanted light on Hunter Biden’s “business” dealings (we call them bribes) and on some of the insiders involved in the putting the deal together.
h promptly refused to investigate.

So naturally when she got Hunter’s criminal case for failing to pay taxes on his bribes and a gun felony, people assumed the fix was in. The Biden administration offered a sweetheart plea deal with Hunter and the Biden-approved judge would simply rubber-stamp.

In rejecting the sweetheart deal Judge Noreika also threw some very unwanted light on Hunter Biden’s “business” dealings (we call them bribes) and on some of the insiders involved in the putting the deal together.

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