Thursday, January 4, 2024

I've been reading lately about demoRat blacks and hispanics switching to the Republican party but you can see from this article (from a black news media,) that it may not be true.these blk writers don't seem to want anything to do with TRUMP!!

Black Americans, Asian Americans, Mexican Americans and White Americans: The Trump Cult Spell.

January 3, 2024 by Staff Filed under BM, News, Opinion, Politics, Weekly Columns

You like him or you don’t. You trust him or you don’t. You believe him or you don’t. You praise him or you don’t. Donald J. Trump. The biggest cult-leading con artist of our lifetime. But there is more to this than meets the eye, much more.

When people will neither look at the facts nor the evidence, there is a problem. When people seem to be so inundated with a political candidate that truth does not matter anymore, there is a bigger problem. When a candidate can deceive so many so easily so often, there is a huge problem. You can vote for who you want to, but none of these things are normal. Not at all. So in this article we’re going down the rabbit hole.

I am not a Democrat. Still, talking to Trump supporters reminds me of when I counseled and de-programmed ex-cult members who had been brainwashed by cults and their cult leaders. So while I understand politics, hidden agendas, capitalism and the corporate machine, there is something much darker here. Much darker than fear. Much darker than ignorance. Much darker than denial. The MAGA Trump followers have been brainwashed into a cult, and their actions seem as if those who are zombies under a spell or both. Mind control! Yes it exists.

Of course some people wanted to ride the Trump train, because like him, they are opportunists. Of course, some people believed Trump would do a good job. Of course, some people were taken in by what he said and his promises. But what is happening today is much deeper, much darker, and much deadlier than that. We are seeing the manifestation of dark powers and principalities and the puppets they control like Trump.

This Trump cult has a heavy base of racism, the same racism that founded America. Donald Trump represents the real America without the clan robe and hood and torch and rope. His words produce fear and anger. His speeches are full of hate and deception. His actions are full of lawlessness. Donald Trump is a “man of lawlessness”. And yet his diehard supporters cannot see any of this. They represent the real America, a country founded by criminal hypocrite colonizing invaders who fled Europe.

Any time millions of people can support a man with 91 felony charges in 4 separate courts, a man who was impeached, a man who lost a rape case, a man who calls veterans losers, a man who jokes about the handicapped, a man who admits on tape that he sexually molests women at will, a man who tries to overturn a legal election and ignore the Constitution of the United States, a man who insights violence and insurrection against the United States (thereby violating his oath of office), a man who pays off a porn star he used, a man who cheats on his wife, a man who lies more times than the average person can count, a man who used the United States government as his personal piggy bank, a man who kept and shared classified documents, a man who has no problem with Russia meddling in America’s elections, a man who praises and looks up to dictators in other countries, a man who threatens to use the Justice Department of the United States to retaliate against his enemies, a man who quotes Hitler and a man who can blind and deceive millions at will, those people are in a cult and under a spell. In such case, America is dealing with the nature of Satan himself. Or is America simply reaping what it has sown and its prize pupil has arisen?

Donald Trump is not a genius. An examination of his tactics, his failed businesses and marriages can prove that. But what most people need to see is that Donald Trump is getting instructions from something or somewhere. Dark instructions. Instructions from those who he obeys. Trump did not come up with all of this on his own. And those puppet masters who pull his strings are the ones you really need to worry about. They are much more powerful than him, much smarter than him and demand both loyalty and obedience without question. Donald Trump may be the face of the cult, but he is not the head of it. Not by any means. And all of this was planned out before he even got his instructions to run for President .

Unfortunately, that is all that I can say. You may not believe it, but it’s all true. You may not accept it. But so be it. Time will tell and you will see. So whether you are a Republican or Democrat, that doesn’t matter. Presidents are selected before they are ever elected. Your vote is simply to create the illusion of citizen empowerment. That is as far down the rabbit hole as I am going to take you. Open your eyes that you may see.

Staff Writer; Trevo Craw

A Free Thinker, who loves to talk about Politics, Religion, etc. Also, all about uplifting the Black Community even if it doesn’t fit your mindset. One may hit me up at;


Bill589 said...

Reminds me of when some said that they were not sure about Palin, but “she has all of the right enemies.”

If I knew nothing else about DJT, but I could see our Republic’s enemies attacking him 24/7/365 X 8 years, I could figure that at the very least DJT is on our side, and that our Republic’s enemies must fear him else they would ignore him.

Bill589 said...

I have a high standard for ultimately supporting a national politician.   The Palin/Trump standard.   Is the politician on our side?

IF:  The Dem establishment, the GOP establishment, their MSM, and their billionaire masters from around the globe are against them...  then I figure they must be on our side against these enemies of our Republic.

Anonymous said...

The only reason blacks don't want Trump is that he expects them to be civil and work for their money.

Pappy said...

I've always been told that the demoRats were the party of the blacks and I guess Blacks don't know that it was the dems that voted against giving them EQUAL rights (they do now) so I'm thinking some Black people may be waking up.