Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Biden Program of Sabotage
About 3 am in the early morning hours of Wednesday, November 6, we all came to realize that Donald Trump would become the 47th President of the United States. Thinking back, I remember having two main feelings.

The first was just relief. The nation had been spared from the rule of some of the most lawless, most ruthless and least moral politicians who have ever been entrusted with power. My many friends who have been cruelly persecuted by the FBI and the Justice Department also understood that feeling of relief. The children who had been brought across the border and trafficked may not have understood it, but for them too there would be a light at the end of a dark tunnel.

My second feeling was gratitude. Thank you, Lord, for lifting the burden of a corrupt government, and giving our nation another chance. We may not be out of the woods yet, but I still feel that way.

All we must do is get to noon on January 20, and the Biden crime family will fly out of town, hopefully never to be seen again. And the rest of us will have another chance to get it right. Just two more months—God help us.

When President Trump met with President Biden in the Oval Office, Biden promised that he would do all in his power to ensure a peaceful transition of power. It sounded so good. Actually, it was too good to be true.

The Bidens are not liars because they lie; they lie because they are liars.

When President Biden broke his word and gave an unprecedented, blanket pardon for crimes known and unknown to Hunter, it was delicious to see the Democrats in the Corporate Woke Media squirm. They are called the Biden crime family for a reason. They cannot be trusted.

And the deception continued. It only took a couple of days for the Biden Administration to expand the war in Ukraine by authorizing the Ukrainians to use ATACMS missiles to hit deep within Russia. Biden gave President Trump no information about this monumental decision, even though it had to have been in the works when that meeting occurred.

I say that Biden lied, but the truth is we have no idea what President Biden’s condition is, other than tragic. I have no idea if he even is fully aware of the decisions being made by his Administration. During this period, Kamala Harris was on vacation in Hawaii. Still, the American People truly have no idea who is exercising the powers of the Presidency.

The 25th Amendment was ratified to ensure that America would always have a functioning President, and yet the process it establishes has been disregarded by the Vice President and the Biden Cabinet. They are content with decisions being made in secret. The only person we have to blame is Biden. He shoulders the responsibility.

However, the American People have the right to know exactly who is responsible for this dangerous escalation of the war, and eventually we will find out.

During his campaign, President Trump repeatedly stated that he would immediately arrange for an end to the war in Ukraine. Biden and his handlers in the Deep State do not want this. I can only assume that the Biden Administration’s decision to escalate the conflict was made to provoke Russia and impede President Trump’s quest for peace.
It would be bad enough for a lame duck President to inflame world tensions as he leaves office. But, more than that, the decision to provoke the largest nuclear power in the world was also reckless in the extreme. I believe, and there is broad consensus that, the Biden Administration has taken us one huge step closer to nuclear war.

During the entire time that the United States has supported the Ukrainian government, the Biden Administration flatly refused to provide the long-range missiles to Ukraine that can reach deep into Russia. What changed? The only change I can see is that President Trump was elected, running on a platform of peace. In response, the Biden Administration changed course 180 degrees, providing American ATACMS weapons and authorizing their use.

Immediately, the Russian government has expressed its profound concern about this new American/Ukrainian escalation, but the Biden Administration assumes Russian inaction shows Russian weakness. It does not. However, the Russian government had to respond. If the United States was attacked with Russian missiles launched from Mexico, would we not expect our government to respond?

Many feared the Russian response could be a nuclear weapon, but Russia made its first use of its powerful hypersonic intercontinental ballistic missile, the Oreshnik, against a military site near Dnipro in the Ukraine. The new Russian Missile is remarkable in power and speed. It can be launched from Russian territory and hit London in 20 minutes. We have no defense against it. Any reasonable person, or government, would not want to provoke any further use of such a weapons system.

So, what did Biden and Ukraine do? They again provoked, by launching more ATACMS missiles into Russia. This was pure insanity. Fortunately, the Russians took no further acts of escalation, except to relentlessly move ahead on the battlefield and inflict terrible casualties on the Ukrainian military.

Then, the Biden Administration suggested giving Ukraine anti-personnel land mines to slow the advance of Russian troops. Whoever suggested this should be permanently barred from government service. Such mines are a terrible weapon which will maim and kill untold numbers of civilians and children and farmers for years in the future. Those who speak of smart mines have a baseless faith in technology.

And loose cannons in the Biden Administration even discussed providing nuclear weapons to Ukraine. More insanity.

It is my sincere belief that if President Trump were President today, he would never authorize the launch of any missiles into Russia. He is not President, but there are steps that can be taken.

First, I anticipate that President Trump will use back channels to communicate with the Russian government. When I was National Security Advisor to President Trump, I tried to de-escalate similar tensions with Russia which arose at a time like this eight years ago. The Obama led Deep State arranged to have me spied on, leaked on, fired and indicted. This time, President Trump needs to find a better way to communicate (ie., Tucker Carlson?).

Second, I would make it clear to President Zelensky that if he continues to fire ATACMS missiles, there will be no more aid to Ukraine as of January 20. If he wants to follow Biden’s lead, then he is on his own.

Third, I would communicate to certain NATO members whose leaders are making reckless statements that if they want to recklessly provoke Russia, the United States will not be bound to support them in a war they start. They too, will be on their own.

Fourth, I would have Attorney-General designate Bondi announce that any persons in the Biden Administration who are making decisions to provoke Russia to war will be fully investigated, their names revealed, and prosecuted, as may be required.

While some may say that President Trump should wait two months, in my view, the nation has never been closer to nuclear war than it is today. I want to get us to January 20. These are my suggestions as a reasonable way to get all involved to stand down and stand down now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All those folks that wanted to be unburdoned by what has been were mysteriously upset when Americans gave it too them. First and fore most, those folks are incapable of happiness if no one is suffering.