I mean further than they’ve already abridged them.
And until now the press has ignored this vast right wing conspiracy theory time after time: Fast and Furious, Solyndra, TARP, HARP, Benghazi, the IRS, Gun Grabbing, Libya, Iran, Syria, Russia, stimulus spending, the Boston Bombing and the phony math on Obamacare.
Wisconsin’s Jim Sensenbrenner summed it up during a House hearing on Fast and Furious when he said: "There is really no responsibility within the Justice Department,"
He was right. But why stop there?
There is really no responsibility in the White House either; or at the State Department, the EPA, the FBI, the Department of Labor or the Defense Department.
Because Sensenbrenner should have included the executive branch of the federal government, the SEC, the IMF, SCOTUS, Congress and just about everyone from the rank of bird-Colonel on up in his indictment. The government has seemed strangely reticent about getting to the bottom of any of many missteps that the Obama adminstration has produced for years.
When Attorney General Eric Holder responded to the House committee on Fast and Furious by comparing those hearings to the hearings conducted by Senator Joe McCarthy in the 1950s on communists in government, the press was delighted.
“Have you no shame,” cried Holder in mock righteousness, displaying that the administration has neither shame nor a responsible adult in charge.
His tone was a bit more mature once press reporters found out that they weren’t just allies of the plutocracy, but targets as well.
Holder went from mock righteousness to mock ignorance as he stood before the House committee investigating why his department decided to spy on press reporters, saying:
· "I was not the person involved in that decision,"
· "I am not familiar with the reasons why the subpoena was constructed in the way that it was because I'm simply not a part of the case."
· "I do not know, however, with regard to this particular case, why that was or was not done."
· "I simply do not have a factual basis for answering that question."
· "Again, Mr. Chairman, I don't know."
· "I assume he was, but I don't know."
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