Friday, August 15, 2014

Must We Have a Dead White Kid?     Erick Erickson | Aug 15, 2014

The facts that seem undisputed -- and in these situations that is so rare -- are that an unarmed 18-year-old named Michael Brown was walking in a street; an altercation occurred with a police officer; the officer gave chase to Mr. Brown after the scuffle and shot Mr. Brown at least once in the back, approximately 20 feet from where the scuffle occurred.
The police officer claims Mr. Brown tried to take the police officer's gun. Witnesses disagree. What is undisputed is by the time you read this, Mr. Brown, who worked his way through a bleak high school education in Ferguson, Missouri, would have been in a college classroom. He defied the odds of many young black men -- graduated from high school and would have started college last week, had he been alive. But he failed to beat the odds of young black men having bad encounters with police.
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