Friday, January 9, 2015

What happened in Paris could never happen here, where and how could they get into the country ? OUR BORDERS ARE CLOSED UP TIGHT

Sorry...forgot about.. Click here...>Dearborn Michigan First Sharia Law ...
[Watch] “ISIS Terrorist” Crosses Lake Erie Into The US. Guess What The Border Patrol Did
Last month, when Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe and his crew shocked the world by dressing up an actor as Osama bin Laden and having him just walk across the Rio Grande and right into Texas without being stopped, they made headlines.  Little known to us, thanks to a media looking for shiny red balls to report on rather than real news, ISIS took notice and highlighted the Achilles Heel in the nation’s southern border in a newsletter type report to their members.
Well, it seems that we not only have a sieve in the south, but a soft head in the north.  Once again, Project Veritas dressed up an “ISIS terrorist” and tried to enter the country.  This time via small boat across one of the Great Lakes into Cleveland   

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