Monday, July 20, 2015

Blacks can protest and have removed all references to slavery, confederacy the Clan but all that is going to do is raise the level of hatred of whites against blacks. We already know how they feel about us....No matter what they do, ERASE EVERYTHING it won't change the facts...slavery and the civil war HAPPENED.

Petition created to remove courthouse mural featuring including KKK members

Three hooded Ku Klux Klansmen seen on a Baker County Courthouse mural in northern Florida has led to an online petition for the painting's removal.

New York Daily News



Three hooded Ku Klux Klansmen seen on a Baker County Courthouse mural in northern Florida has led to an online petition for the painting's removal

A controversial courthouse mural depicting Ku Klux Klansmen is drawing heat in Florida as two sides wage war over its right to stay.

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