Screen Shot 2015-07-08 at 7.01.06 PM     In the wake of the confederate flag controversy that occurred after the Charleston shooting as well as the Rainbow flag controversy following the ruling on gay marriage the U.S. flag has somehow remained unfazed.
It still flies as proud as ever, even though America looks markedly different than it did a few years ago.
Sure, liberal chumps all around the United States continue to tread on it and burn it with disregard, but surprisingly most Americans continue to hold Old Glory in high esteem.
So why did 2 churches in North Carolina decide they were going to put a relic from the past above old glory?
Well as the pastors maintain, it’s because they want to call Christians across the country together to unite in a declaration of faith.
The flag they’re flying is the “Christian flag.” Created in 1897, this flag is meant to be a banner for Christians to commemorate faith.
The flag shares the same color scheme as the stars and stripes, but is mostly white with a red cross in a blue square in the upper left-hand corner.