Saturday, February 6, 2016

Obama manipulates celebrities into endorsing his gun control plan--

Obama gives Hollywood celebrities anti-gun talking points to Tweet
In recent years, Obama has emailed politically dense celebrities "Talking Points" on gun control to tweet to their millions of followers. He's pushing a political agenda-- and no one is noticing!

I know Administrations have used celebrities like Elvis and Clark Gable and even Ronald Reagan to help with patriotic propaganda in the past. But I find the anti-Second Amendment coordination between the White House and Hollywood and Big Sports to be utterly repellent. There is no way the President should be using rich, entitled, politically dense people with an inflated sense of their own importance to try and scupper the founding document and deny us the great rights granted under the U.S. Constitution.

Did you know that the White House emailed slebs their very own ‘Talking Points’ to Tweet in support of Obama’s meddling “gun control edicts? That’s the very same people who have their awards ceremonies and movie sets protected with armed guards, who have armed bodyguards in their mansions and gated communities. It’s outrageous and hypocritical that they dare to lecture their fellow Americans on the topic of self-protection.

Just look at what they were asked to do. According to
Fox News, (video below) the email said, “Below you have: short and long-term action steps, more info on POTUS’s actions, highlights from YOUR Tweets thus far (thank you!), and draft Tweets for you to build from if helpful.” It also encouraged them to use the hashtag “#StopGunViolence” and make ““make sure everyone… knows you have the President’s back.”

The email was sent by the White House Office of Public Engagement.

Here are some of the tweets the email suggested celebrities might want to send:


@POTUS is taking new commonsense steps to help #StopGunViolence.

@POTUS is taking steps to keep guns out of the wrong hands through background checks.

FACT: Each year, more than 30,000 American lives are cut short by guns. It’s time to #StopGunViolence.

FACT: Guns now kill as many people as cars in almost half of the U.S. It’s time to #StopGunViolence.

@POTUS is strengthening our background check system.

Fox News reports that actors Ashton Kuther and Mark Ruffalo tweeted one of the suggested messages word-for-word

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