Monday, June 13, 2016

Self Reliance Central Header

Last November, when the terrorist shooter struck in Paris we urged you to prepare. In March, when ISIS threatened the US, we begged you to get ready.

The Orlando attack occurred in a "gun-safe" environment. It was a hate crime that doubled as a terrorist act. And it is the first of more to come.

As I said last year: "Terrorist Islam is tooling up. It has an endless supply of would-be martyrs and competent bombmakers. They won't discriminate when they come to kill us. Women, children, the elderly, the handicapped, gay, straight, black, white - we're all just the enemy."

As a self-reliant person you've already planned what you would do if...well, now it's time to plan what to do when.

One of those things is to get a gun, take some lessons or refresher classes, and get your conceal carry permit. If you're fortunate to live in a state where you don't need a permit, check out the less enlightened states so you don't accidentally fall foul of their rules if you have to travel through them.

Guns aren't always the answer. Novices can make a bad situation worse.
So get smart. Get a gun. Get trained. Get concealed.
Be safe. Be prepared.

Click here to learn more

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