Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Liberal Reporter Tries to Buy Gun for 'Gotcha!' Piece. Fails Background Check...I about fell off my chair laughing!

Flashback for all those idiot liberals saying "it's easier to buy an AR-15 than [insert lame attempt at relevance here]!"

Steven Crowder
Memo to leftist new’s editors: those stories you keep writing where you send reporters to buy guns to prove…I don’t know, whatever you’re trying to prove? You may want to run your own background check on the reporter first. You know, to avoid the inevitable surgical removal of your foot, lodged forcibly into your own mouth. Also to prevent ours from being lodged forcibly up your ass. ObamaCare probably won’t cover that. Unless you’re a transgender something or other.

Just ask the Chicago Sun Times, who sent a reporter (who wrote this) to buy a gun, only to find out he wasn’t allowed to:
In an attempt to show how easy it is to buy a modern sporting rifle, Neil Steinberg, of the Chicago Sun-Times, was denied by the store owner’s because “it was uncovered that Mr. Steinberg has an admitted history of alcohol abuse, and a charge for domestic battery involving his wife.”
Mr. Steinburg tried to allege that wasn’t the real reason. According to him it was because, “they knew I planned to immediately sell it back to them.”
He further complains that people who have yet to commit a crime, unlike him, are able to buy guns. “Would-be terrorists can buy guns…But reporters . . . that’s a different story.”
 Yeah, three things.

1. We don’t think “guns should be kept from people for the flimsiest reasons.” But ten points for your use of “flimsiest.” You’ve probably only used that word to describe some of your appendages.  FYI Neil, we’re laughing at your expense because it’s funny. There you were, trying to be all “Look it how easy it is to buy a ‘scary black rifle,'” only to have a background check disqualify you from purchasing said rifle. Some might call it “irony.” Others “karma.” Po-tay-toe, Po-tah-toe.
2. A typical, white, leftist male who thinks domestically abusing their wife is a “flimsy reason” to not own a weapon? Okay, no. If you’ve been charged with a violent crime, maybe someone like, I don’t know maybe I’m grasping at straws here, YOUR WIFE, wouldn’t want you to have a weapon. Any kind of weapon. Even a scary black rifle. Maybe not even a baseball bat. Because domestic violence.
3. As to the bitch-fest about “people who haven’t yet committed a crime being able to purchase guns… then commit a crime…” complaint. Right. Because Apple has yet to develop a crystal ball. No one can ever know if someone is going to be a would-be anything. There’s no app for that. Ask your wife. She probably didn’t know you were an abusive super-douche. Yet no one stopped her from marrying you. Because no one can time-travel.

AnchormanScience GIF

But right, it’s fecalpatties like this reporter who want to keep the majority of responsible people from owning guns. Doesn’t that just give you the warm and fuzzies? And if you’re a woman… maybe a black eye?
Also, about that “gunshow loophole” myth…

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