Sunday, February 25, 2018

These demonstrations by High school students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School first, and now by others across the country, TOUTED as being started by the students themselves, BUT, You know as well as I, they are being exploited by Dems and anti-gun groups to THEIR agenda of DESTROYING the 2nd ammendment. Do you really believe ALL these teenagers have formed such negative opinions about the NRA ? Many of them probably don't know what the NRA is or stands for.....

Liberals See Only Opportunity in the Murders in Florida
Derek Hunter  Posted: Feb 25, 2018

Liberals See Only Opportunity in the Murders in Florida
The horrific shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, will not be the watershed moment of the murder of 17 innocent people that liberals hope it will be. While it may lead to changes in some laws, liberals will not get the American people to cede to government their right of self-defense, especially since the tragedy occurred after a string of failures by all levels of government to act on existing laws that might have prevented it from happening. But it is yet another straw on the back of the camel already overloaded with the angry divisions and hatred the political left has been piling up that leads down the road where bad things are likely to happen.

Liberals and conservatives have always wanted different things, with conservatives more in line with the founding principles of the country and liberals having an affinity for European socialism and totalitarianism. But for years, it was a tug of war neither side was really winning – we lived in an odd middle ground where the rope moved only a matter of inches in either direction because both sides were constrained, to one degree or another, by precedent and the plain language of the Constitution.

That day is done.

Students protest for gun control and stage walkouts across the country.

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