Never, even in my fertile imagination, would I have guessed that we would find a smoking-gun 49-page memo revealing how George Soros operatives, including David Brock, were there at the genesis, the planning stages, with their hands on the ignition key, of the most concerted, well-funded, diabolical attack on free speech in the history of America.
But there it is.
Millions saw it on the DrudgeReport – including, no doubt, President Trump, Vice President Pence and Republican congressional leaders. But most Americans still know nothing of its existence – because it was not reported among the Big Media. They don't want you to know about it. They would be embarrassed if America found out how they have been used and manipulated – from their focus on "Russian collusion" to other wild conspiracy theories targeting their No. 1 villain, President Trump.
It was nothing short of a plan to turn Google, Facebook and other social media into hyper-partisan Democratic Party activists, promoters, cheerleaders, and off-the-books donors in an effort to turn the country into a one-party state.
And they're getting away with it, even though the beans have been spilled publicly. That's partly because, as I have pointed out before, Google-Facebook control the media. They use the media. They manipulate the media. They choose winners and losers among the media. That's real power that we have never seen before in American life.
The timing of this insidious plot is key. When did it begin? Right after Trump was inaugurated. That's when the attacks on the independent, alternative media — WND, Breitbart, et al. — began. We've been feeling the squeeze ever since — through politically skewed algorithms and speech codes.
The Google-Facebook-YouTube-Twitter-Amazon-Apple cabal is trying to ensure that we never have a free and fair election again in America. The "Russia-collusion" hoax is meant to take your eye off the real collusion by un-American, anti-free speech radical political activists.
Do you get it now?
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