Public opinion has replaced right and wrong as the measure of acceptable behavior in our political and civic debates. Similarly, public ridicule and shame have replaced facts and logic as the tools of persuasive discourse. Much like a Medieval Inquisition, the arbiters of liberal dogma have effectively established a system designed to eliminate debate and impose conformity.
Members of the media, and high profile elected officials, have adopted the role of modern day inquisitors, operating as liberal morality police. Facts are irrelevant in this brave new world of double standards where objectivity has been replaced by social media mobs. For those who step out of bounds, or dare to oppose them, discipline is delivered swiftly and without mercy.
According to a 1578 edition of a standard inquisitorial manual entitled Directorium Inquisitorum, “punishment does not take place primarily and per se for the correction and good of the person punished, but for the public good in order that others may become terrified and weaned away from the evils they would commit.”
Recent events in New York, Virginia, and Washington DC serve as examples. Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia recently rose to national prominence for suggesting during a radio interview that an abortion could take place AFTER a baby is born. Under an objective standard of right and wrong, his statements would be easily identified as wicked, and he would have been under immense pressure to step down. Instead, the liberal inquisitors defended Northam from those who dared to call his immoral statement for what it is.
Contrast that to the reaction several days later when it was revealed that Northam chose an overtly racist picture to include in his medical school yearbook. It’s worth noting the difference, not because Northam’s racist yearbook picture didn’t deserve to be criticized, but because it is apparently more offensive to the liberal inquisitors to mock or threaten racial minorities than it is to advocate for their murder as infants.
Both are wrong, and ought to be unacceptable in our society. Sadly, they are not.

Virginia is not alone. The Governor of New York recently signed a bill that legalizes abortion up until the moment of birth, calling it “a historic victory for New Yorkers and for our progressive values.” Advocates of child murder filled the chamber and cheered passage of the law. New York landmarks were lit pink that evening to celebrate passage of the bill.
In Washington, Ted joined with 39 of his Senate colleagues to propose legislation that would offer protections to babies who survive an abortion. The idea that a baby born alive ought to receive any and all necessary medical attention should sail through a Congress with a conscience. However, the common-sense legislation has been blocked in the Senate by Sen. Patty Murray.
We live in a society where emotion has replaced reason, where opinions overrule objectivity, where evil is called good, and good evil. As Benjamin Franklin once said, “only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.”
Now is not the time to disengage, or to allow our frustration over the current situation to overwhelm us. Instead, now is the time when history will record the faithfulness or failure of American patriots to demand a return to our founding principles. Thank you for standing with Ted as he stands for us in the Senate.
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