Monday, February 4, 2019

Oh, So This Was The Person Who Revealed The Racist Photo On Ralph Northam’s Yearbook Page
Matt Vespa Posted: Feb 04, 2019

Well, it seems support for late-term abortion is what created the fiasco that has embroiled Virginia’s Democratic governor. Pretty much everyone has besieged Gov. Ralph Northam, especially within his own party. They’re urging him to resign after a yearbook photo from his days at Eastern Virginia Medical School was unearthed last week. The picture shows two men donning racist costumes on his 1984 page. One is wearing blackface while the other figure donned Ku Klux Klan garb. Northam apologized for the photo, admitting he was in it last Friday night. He did not specify which person he was in the photo. Was he the KKK man or the blackface dude?

On Saturday, the dumpster fire grew when Northam retracted his apology, saying that wasn’t him in the photo. Then, he admitted to doing blackface, saying he dressed as Michael Jackson in the past. So, Northam’s defense is ‘the photo on my yearbook page that shows someone in blackface isn’t me, but I’ve done blackface before whose pictures haven’t been seen.’
This all started when Northam pretty much endorsed infanticide during a radio interview, where he was asked about a bill proposed by House Delegate Kathy Tran, also a Democrat, who wanted to permit abortion virtually up until the moment of birth. It was an atrocious bill, similar to the legislation recently passed in New York. 
( Worse.....this bill allows the baby to be born, then left to die )

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