Monday, July 18, 2022

The Coming Civil War Part 2 – The Left Preempts The Battlefield    ConservativeHQ   By George Rasley, CHQ Editor 

Our much-admired fellow conservative Kurt Schlichter recently posted an article on Townhall asking a question we’ve been mulling for quite some time: Are We Looking At Another Civil War?

Mr. Schlichter observes that, “…while the chance of civil conflict is low, violence is not only possible but it has been used by the left as a means of making political change in America in the past. And the evidence is that the left remains ideologically open to using violence in the future to achieve its goals.”

We would like to agree with Kurt Schlichter that the “chance of civil conflict is low,” but as we review the reaction of the Democrats and their Far Left allies to the candidacy and election of Donald Trump we are more inclined to ask, how can we not have a civil war, than to accept that the chance of civil conflict is low.

In Part 1 we looked at some of the potential triggers to a civil war, today we will look at some of the potential combatants.

Whenever conservatives warn that Democrats are escalating the potential for civil war, Democrats respond with derision and comments like Joe Biden made in a June 2021 speech during which he joked that people who think they needed guns to take on the US government would actually need nuclear weapons.

In a speech that outlined one of his many plans to “combat gun violence,” Biden said, "If you wanted or if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons."

Two months later, the Taliban, armed only with light weapons, defeated the United States and drove us from Afghanistan confirming once again former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates’s observation that Biden has been wrong about every national security issue for the past 50 years.

But if Joe Biden lacks the brains to visualize how an insurgency might develop in response to his oppressive policies, his allies on the Left can visualize it all too well and are moving with alacrity to rearrange the battlefield in their own favor.

And, while the Supreme Court dealt a serious blow to their plans to disarm the law-abiding Americans who might finally be provoked to defend their liberty the Left has been doing a great job of whittling down the number and effectiveness of the forces that might oppose their revolution.

Read Part 1 through this link

The Coming Civil War Part 3 on Monday

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