Sunday, September 29, 2024

How about we charge and prosecute "Shifty Shitty Schiff" for all the false info he used to get Trump brought up on IMPEACHMENT charges...TWICE!...And nothing was ever done to  or about him. He used ALL FALSE INFORMATION and when proven wrong, "Ole Pencil Neck" walked away with not even a hand slap!!!! SCREW ADAM SCHIFF!!

Top Democrat Proposes New Bill Ahead of Possible Trump Victory   Story by Kevin Scott

Former President Donald Trump has faced four criminal indictments, including two at the state level in New York and Georgia, and two federal indictments in Florida and Washington, D.C. Following a New York trial in May 2024, Trump was convicted on all charges. His sentencing is set for November 26.

As the election draws near, is reporting that Rep. Adam Schiff has proposed a new law designed to stop a sitting president from being able to terminate their own criminal cases. “This is about protecting our democracy and ensuring a President can’t place themselves above the law,” Schiff said. “There is every indication that Donald Trump will use the Justice Department to do away with any effort to hold him accountable.”


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