Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Yes, Non-Citizens Are Being Registered To Vote And Are Voting   George Rasley, CHQ Editor  6 days ago

Our friend J. Christian Adams and his team at the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) have just released another bombshell report on vote fraud and non-citizens registering to vote.

And it turns out that, despite Democrats denying such crimes are being committed, thousands of aliens have registered to vote and are voting.

In her analysis of the report independent journalist Sharyl Attkisson found non-citizens have been added to voter rolls in several states through motor vehicle departments (DMVs), even after stating they were not US citizens. These registrations occurred as part of the “motor voter” process, which allows individuals to register to vote while completing DMV transactions.

Oregon reveals hundreds of non-citizens were mistakenly registered to vote since 2021
12:23PM SEPT14 2024


1 comment:

Justin_O_Guy said...

I just can't BLEEVIT! After all these Moments, ya'd think I'd know Exactly where that frikken Shokkt face is. Gonna hafta start keeping up with that thing better.