Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes. Welcome to the Summer of Belated Epiphanies. Media lapdogs are finally, finally arriving at the conclusion that maybe this isn't the most transparent administration in world history, after all.
On Tuesday, the Associated Press reported on the Obama administration's use of secret email accounts, stonewalling on Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and attempted shakedown of reporters seeking public information on just how widespread the disclosure evasion might be.
Take note: It wasn't the AP that originally uncovered Team Obama's penchant for email sock-puppetry. Chris Horner, Competitive Enterprise Institute fellow and author of "The Liberal War on Transparency," first exposed former EPA Chief Lisa Jackson's Internet alter ego, "Richard Windsor," last year. The free-market environmental think tank filed suit against the government last fall seeking records on the secret, illegal "secondary" email accounts of high-level EPA officials after the agency ignored multiple FOIA filings.
Seven months after President Obama was re-elected, along comes the AP to bolster Horner's assertion that the practice is not just isolated in one bureaucracy. View Full Article

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