Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Richard Parsons's photo.

Open letter to TV Land...So you take Dukes of Hazzard off the air because of the "Confederate Flag". I looked over your schedule to help you free yourself of future controversy. First up...The Beverly Hillbillies. Rich rebels with guns and illegal moonshine who proudly wave the "Confederate Flag"...THIS SHOW MUST GO. Second...Hogan's Heroes...are you kidding me, Nazis with swastika armbands and sub-machine guns holding Americans in a concentration camp, and it's a comedy, I think not...THIS SHOW MUST GO. And third, I Love Lucy. You may not know it, but Lucille Ball was a card carrying Communist. A Communist comedy on your network...THIS SHOW MUST GO. And don't get me started on the gun crazy villains on Gunsmoke and Bonanza. Yes, this all seems absurd, but so is taking off a show like Dukes of Hazzard. I've seen all the shows, and not once did the Duke boys ram the General Lee in a church and start killing people. 

 (If anyone agrees, please share. Thank you.)

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