Thursday, April 28, 2016

Ted Cruz....a snake and a slime ball...........ask me how I feel about him.....

A Slow-Talker And A Homeless Guy Walk Into A Bar...Ann Coulter Apr 27, 2016 

A Slow-Talker And A Homeless Guy Walk Into A Bar...
    Apparently, John Kasich and Ted Cruz are at their most appealing when no one is paying attention to them, which, conveniently, is most of the time.
    After Cruz won cranky Wisconsin last month -- only the fourth actual election he's won -- voters decided to give him a second look. But two seconds after people said, "OK, let's give this guy a try," he cratered. You might say a little of Ted Cruz goes a long way. Voters can't stand Cruz any more than his Senate colleagues can.
    Listening to Cruz always makes me feel like I have Asperger's. He speaks so slowly, my mind wanders between words. As Trump said, there's a 10-second intermission between sentences. I want to order Cruz's speeches as Amazon Audibles, just so I can speed them up and see what he's saying
The guy did go to Harvard Law School, so I keep waiting for the flashes of brilliance, but they never come. Cruz is completely incapable of extemporaneous wit.

Now that Cruz has been mathematically eliminated, he's adding Carly Fiorina to the ticket. She's not his "running mate," but his "limping mate." It's an all-around lemon-eating contest.


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