Sunday, June 5, 2016

Liberals are Wrong About Gorillas, Racism, and Everything Else  Lee Culpepper   Posted: Jun 05, 2016

Liberals are Wrong About Gorillas, Racism, and Everything Else

Why do liberals have such a hard time accepting that bad decisions and bad behavior have unpleasant consequences? 
Ignoring truth when it contradicts their irrational feelings and fallacious beliefs does not change what truth is. Neither does imposing laws that subject society to liberals’ bizarre emotions and foolish ideas. 
When a three-year-old child defies his mother and climbs in to a 450-pound gorilla’s cage, bad things can happen. Unfortunately, only three-year-old children, gorillas, and liberals appear to lack the mental capacity to understand this.
Let’s face it. Would the now-dead gorilla have been in danger last week if the three-year-old child had obeyed his mother and stayed out of the ape pit?
Would animal experts have ever shot the gorilla if the ape had stayed away from the child and not dragged the boy down the artificial river? 

Who, other than liberals, believes that the zookeepers responsible for taking care of the gorilla wanted to shoot it? 

Who, other than liberals, could imagine that animal experts enjoy destroying the animals they choose to study and work to protect?  

As a matter of fact, who, other than liberals, would argue that a better wall will keep more people out of gorilla cages, but won’t keep more illegal people out of America? 

Furthermore, who, other than liberals, would feel that gorillas in renown zoos like Cincinnati’s are worse off than wild gorillas that are regularly poached by criminals and nearing extinction? 

Of course, when it comes to a dead gorilla, who other than liberals, could be wrong about an imaginary “white privilege” killing the ape when a black child’s life was at stake? 

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