Sunday, June 5, 2016

obama did create some jobs, in the FIREARMS industry.....

We all know from last Friday's job figures that the Administration is covering up the real unemployment numbers.
They don't record the people so dispirited that they've given up looking for work, or the people who have exhausted their benefits. 
So it's kind of ironic that a fast-growing job market should be in one of the Administration's most reviled industries. One that's been targeted by the the Department of "Justice", the IRS, and other agencies of the Executive Branch. 
Check out this report from the National Shooting Sports Foundation report. It details the significant economic impact the firearms and ammo industry has on the nation's and each state's economy.
As they say in the newspaper business - fear sells. And we're all scared of the attack on our Second Amendment rights. Which explains why firearms jobs are up. And why the nation is gradually becoming safer as we arm ourselves for any eventuality. 

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