Wednesday, October 11, 2017

KIMMEL: "You should put your mouth on it"..........these late night hosts are so sanctimonious but.....they should remember the old adage, "ye who are without sin, cast the first stone"

I love it when someone like kimmel gets caught.

Before Jimmy Kimmel Lectured You on Ethics, He Asked Women to Grab his Crotch...

Jimmy Kimmel has anointed himself the arbiter of all that is good, caring, noble and moral. Be it healthcare, guns, Donald Trump grabbing women by the p*ssy, or poor Cecil the Lion, Jimmy always has wise words for us little people.
Here’s Jimmy telling women to touch his junk and put their mouths on it.

Now, I want to be clear here: these women consented. I’m not going all “OMG, OUTRAGE” over what Kimmel did in this segment. Was it icky? To me, a woman, yes (note that byline). But the woman are going along with it no problem. It’s possible a few women didn’t want to play and skipped the game. They’re not on camera.
What Kimmel is doing here is “all in fun” with sexual double entendres galore. The women, as I already stated, are playing along. They’re out in public and are, to my eyes, in no way coerced or threatened. Had I been walking on the street and Kimmel asked if I would play a game involving touching his dark places, I would’ve passed and carried on. These women played the game. Okay? Okay.
But for Kimmel to now erect monuments of virtue, when he thought having women on the street touch around his private parts was funny, is a little off brand. Don’t claim to be this great hero when you told ladies to put their mouths on it as they bent before you. On camera.
The internet is forever, Jimmy

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