Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Of course, didn't the blacks do everything ?? Fact check this at "1619 PROJECT"....!!

'Not a white guy named Edison': Biden claims a black man invented the light bulb  Guy Jodopeg  

It's amazing that who ever is in charge of Joe Biden let's him go out in public and just make a fool of himself over and over again..

The Democrats think that Black people are so stupid that they won't even take one minute to search and fact check Biden's crazy claims.

According to Joe Biden it wasn't a "White Guy" named Edison that invented the first light bulb, it was a Black man.

Lewis Latimer worked for Edison Electric and filed a patent improvement on Edison's light bulb in 1881.

Thomas Edison patented his light bulb in late 1879.....

It's like saying that John Browning didn't invent the .45acp but some gunsmith working in his company did.

I'm not taking away from Lewis Latimer's contribution to science here, But like every great invention that is someone's brain child, others will make improvements on it.

And there's always room for improvement on any idea...

And judging from Lewis Latimer's photos, his work ethic and self educating mind.... I believe that Lewis would probably be a Trump supporter if he were alive today.

But the Democrats will stand in front of seemingly intelligent Black people and tell the the opposite is true, just like they do with many other historical facts.

History revision and pandering is what is woven into the Democrat's propaganda. If the Democrats are so willing to lie about the past , then they are also lying about the present....


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