Saturday, December 12, 2020

For those who still think Obama is/was the greatest thing ever....see how much he cares about other peoples lives.....

WATCH: Obama Admits To Killing “Inordinate Amount” Of Innocent Civilians With Drone Strikes Without Even Batting And Eye    by A.M. Smith

Barack Obama is on his book tour for A Promised Land now four years after leaving office. During his latest interview days ago on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert he was asked about his vastly expanded drone strikes (setting a record far and above that of the prior Bush administration) as a preferred method of taking out America’s ‘enemies’. But it’s very well-documented that drone strikes actually killed just as many or more civilians than terrorists in the process.

The former Democratic president still can’t shake his legacy as the “drone president” given he still holds the record for number of ordered kill missions. Now it appears he’s simply embracing the label. This latest interview may have sealed this legacy – indeed it could be his own Madeleine Albright we think the price is worth it moment.

Obama defends his drone strikes, which killed hundreds of civilians: “The problem with the drone program was not that it caused an inordinate amount of civilian casualties, although even 1 civilian casualty is tragic. But the drones probably had less collateral damage.”

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