Saturday, December 12, 2020

Would you have the least little doubt that this is still going on today..?? When we watch the news and wonder "Why are they dwelling on this and not on that" ??? NOW YOU KNOW..!!! Rememer watching one news staation and switch to another and see the same story almost word for word ? SCRIPTED NEWS STORIES..!

Operation Mockingbird  Oct 17, 2019  The Pacifist

Do you read newspapers? Or perhaps do you prefer reading things online? Maybe reading isn’t your medium, how about watching the news? Because all of us, at one point or another has consumed media. And media is an important part of our life and our society. How else am I going to check sport results from the other side of the world or see if it will rain tomorrow. But… What happens when the media becomes a tool? A tool used to manipulate, to plant thoughts into our head. Today we will look at one such instance.

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