Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Random Thoughts  Thomas Sowell | Mar 04, 2015       

Thomas Sowell                    
Random thoughts on the passing scene:

When President Obama keeps talking about "violent extremists" in the abstract, you might wonder whether Presbyterians are running amok.
    The mainstream media seem desperate to try to find something to undermine Republican governor Scott Walker's rise in the polls. The worst they have come up with is that he didn't finish college. Neither did Bill Gates or Michael Dell. The Wright brothers didn't finish high school. Neither did Abraham Lincoln or George Washington.
    Have you noticed that there seem to be an ever growing number of things that we are not supposed to say in public?
    Given the Obama administration's repeatedly failed policies in the Middle East and the lost credibility of the president's glib pronouncements, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress may be many Americans' first chance to get a realistic assessment of the Middle East situation and its potential for international catastrophe.
    Attempts to bring order out of the chaos in the paper jungle of my office usually get nowhere until I finally break everything down into just two categories: (1) urgently needed and (2) trash to be thrown out         View Full Article

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