Monday, November 13, 2017

Biden: 'I'm Not Closing the Door' on Possible 2020 Run
for President   By Staff report
"If the Lord almighty came down, sat in the middle of the table and said,
'Joe, the nomination is yours but you have to take it now,' I would say no"    

   Former Vice President Joe Biden is leaving the door open to a run for president in 2020, but has "honest to God" yet to make up his mind.
   Biden sat down for an interview on the "Today" show Monday in one of his first on-camera interviews since leaving office in January, reflecting on the 2016 presidential election and his prospects in the next one.
   The former U.S. senator from Delaware said Monday he was joking when he asked a crowd at a pub the day before what they think about a possible third run for president.
   "I'm not closing the door," Biden said. "Look, I've been around too long. I mean, I'm a great respecter of fate. But who knows what the situation's going to be a year and a half from now?"


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