Wednesday, November 15, 2017

I'm not happy with this but after reading article he seems to affirm most of the points, so.......?

Analysis: As Liberals Cheer Shepard Smith's Fact Check, is 'Uranium One' a Real Story, or Not?

Guy Benson    Posted Nov 25, 2017

Liberals online are giddily sharing a segment that aired on Fox News yesterday afternoon, in which anchor Shepard Smith addresses the 'Uranium One' deal that many conservatives have cited as evidence of "collusion" between the Russian government and the Clintons. One blogger from the left-wing attack site Media Matters cheers on Smith for 'annihilating' the anti-Clinton storyline that characterized some of the story's coverage elsewhere on the network. A liberal journalism professor also tweeted out the video, applauding Smith for 'shaming' Fox News by exposing the controversy as a "nothing" story

This is strong, concise journalism by Smith, who helps knock down a number of the misconceptions about the Uranium One deal. I think some conservatives have been lazy in their understanding and framing of the issue, allowing embellishments and exaggerations to proliferate. For instance, the general notion is widely shared in certain quarters that Hillary Clinton personally green-lit the deal, which lined the pockets of rich Clinton Foundation donors -- while selling out US national security by shipping our uranium to the Russians. The truth is much more nuanced and complicated than that, major elements of which Smith explains in the clip. A few additional points:

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