Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Sam Faddis Makes The Case For Biden 25th Amendment Removal
CHQ Staf   
4 hours ago
In the latest issue of AND Magazine our friend Sam Faddis, former CIA operator and expert on political warfare, has made a compelling case for removing Joe Biden through the mechanism set forth in the 25th Amendment.

We’re going to start where Mr. Faddis ends by pointing out that there is open debate now about whether or not we are already in a recession. Such discussion is irrelevant. We will be in a full-scale depression within six months at this rate. We may also be in a shooting war with both Russia and China by then and facing threats right here in our own hemisphere. We will, as a bankrupt nation, torn apart by internal division, be plunged into conflicts on a scale we have not seen since World War II.

It is time to recognize the obvious. Joe Biden must be removed from office. The 25th Amendment must be invoked in order to save the republic. We cannot sit idly by and watch as this man drives the nation off a cliff.

We agree, and the evidence we are already off the cliff and in freefall is compelling. As Sam Faddis pointed out, the damage done to this nation by Biden and his administration is already so massive that it almost defies belief. We may, in fact, not survive another two years of this madness.

Consider this short recitation of the damage Biden and his cohorts have already accomplished:

* We are dancing along the knife’s edge of a nuclear exchange with Russia in defense of Ukraine, a nation half a world away with whom we have no defense treaty and to whom we have no legal obligations of any kind.

* We are waging war on the fossil fuel industry, impoverishing our own people, and deliberately tanking our economy.

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