Saturday, December 21, 2013

Stopping Big Bertha? Seattle debates mysterious object obstructing tunnel machine
There's much speculation as to what has stopped a giant machine boring a tunnel beneath downtown Seattle. Theories range from a man-made object from Seattle's past, such as a steam engine, to something from the natural world, such as a glacial boulder. NBC's Joe Fryer reports.

SEATTLE — In a city known for a giant needle pointing toward space, everyone is talking about a massive machine stuck underground.
They call her Bertha, a 57-foot-wide, earth-eating tunnel maker chewing her way below downtown Seattle to make way for an underground highway along the city's waterfront.
But two weeks ago, a thousand feet into her near two-mile journey, Bertha came to a grinding halt.
"We're a bit puzzled about what's preventing us from moving forward," said Chris Dixon with Seattle Tunnel Partners.
Officially, Bertha was stopped “after unanticipated and increasing resistance was experienced, possibly due to an obstruction.”
A mysterious obstruction, 60 feet down, and Seattle is abuzz with theories of what's in Bertha's way.
“There’s history buried everywhere,” local historian Feliks Banel said.

"It could be Jimmy Hoffa, it might be Sasquatch or it could be a flying saucer, you know."


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