Monday, November 30, 2015

SURPRISE...They only want 13% ??

Black Lives Matter posts official list of demands…it’s INSANE

Earl Hall on November 27, 2015
     As you’re well aware, social engineering is happening on a grand scale now. We see it from our dear POTUS, we see it in the courts, and we see it very clearly on college campuses. Since the new age of Sharpton and Jackson, blacks are learning and playing this game very well. 
But when you have black students making demands on who and what color people are on a college campus we’ve gone to far. And even worse, now these brats want people punished for the simple act of not liking them.
     In fact, there’s now a one-stop shop for Black Lives Matter activists and other campus whiners called which posts ALL official demands from these groups. Take a look at it. You will not believe the crap they’re demanding.
As Steven Hayward writing for Powerline Blog reports, Nice of the protestors to gather all of their absurdity in one handy place.

Like this one from Tufts:
1. We demand that Black-identifying students make up 13 percent of Tufts undergraduate population.


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