Monday, June 19, 2017

The following is a respone to another article, I didn't but I assume the author did fact checking.....NOTHING ON TRUMP'S ACCOMPLISHMENTS BY THE MSM !


The Mainstream liberal media won’t report this, but when looking at the economy, President
Trump the businessman crushes the former community organizer Barack Obama in every
meaningful measurement.
After First 150 Days in Office President Trump DESTROYS
Obama In Every Meaningful Measurement
Jun 17th, 2017 8:20 am by Jim Hoft
On Monday it will be 150 days into President Trump’s first
term and on Tuesday it will be five months since President
Trump’s Inauguration on January 20th.

The main stream media (MSM) and Democrat Party will not report it but when compared to
President Obama’s first five months, President Trump’s economy is just plain on fire!
President Trump tried to draw attention to this good news on Friday.

· US Stock Markets – record highs…On February 28th President Trump matched
President Reagan’s 1987 record for most continuous closing high trading days when the
DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row! …Obama’s first few months?
The stock markets under President Obama moved in the exact opposite direction in
the seven months
US Debt - decreased the US Debt since his inauguration by (-$101) Billion.
President Obama on the other hand increased the US debt in his first five months by
$771 Billion.
Jobs - …Trump added a projected 810,000 jobs in his first five months (January
through May 2017.) President Obama on the other hand lost more than 3.35 million
jobs in his first five months.
Unemployment - decreased unemployment every month since his inauguration…
President Obama on the other hand again moved in the opposite direction…US
unemployment rate increased each month from 7.8% in January 2009 to 9.4% by May of
Housing Sales - US Census Bureau, there were nearly twice as many US housing sales
in the past couple of months as there were under President Obama in 2009 during the
same time period
Economic Outlook - The US Manufacturing Index soared to a 33 year high in
February 2017 shortly after President Trump was sworn into office. The index
reached 43 in February which was the best outlook since 1983 under President
Reagan. In Obama’s first five months in office (January through May of 2009) the
best manufacturing index activity rating was a negative -22.
Fed Funds Rate Increases - Federal Reserve has increased interest rates three times
since President Trump was elected. The Fed increased intereste rates only once in
Obama’s 8 Years prior to the increase in December
Illegal Immigration - Illegal immigration is down 67% since President Trump’s
Inauguration. President Obama opened up the US borders and Trump has
drastically shut down illegal immigration.
Gas Prices - low gas prices that benefit Americans are due in part to President Trump’s
actions to allow drilling in the US, Under President Obama gas prices in the US reached
nearly $4 a gallon. President Trump’s actions are yet to be seen but if output rises as
expected in the US, the price of gas will remain low or decrease.

· Decrease in Regulations - One of the first things that President Trump did in office was
to reduce the number or burdensome regulations put in place during the Obama era.
Even far left Politico notes that significant federal regulations since Trump’s inauguration
have slowed to an almost total halt.

In Summary - Overall based on the above data it is clear that President Trump is doing
a solid, if not excellent job.
The Mainstream liberal media won’t report this, but when looking at the economy, President
Trump the businessman crushes the former community organizer Barack Obama in every
meaningful measurement.

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