Wednesday, June 4, 2014

It seems to be all the news....takes the heat off all the other scandals

Report: US Intel Officials Worry Bergdahl Became 'Active Collaborator With the Enemy'

An astonishing scoop last night from Fox News' James Rosen -- whose access to sources has, ahem, attracted the Obama administration's intense scrutiny in the not-so-distant past. Whoa:     A senior official confirms to Fox News that the conduct of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl -- both in his final stretch of active duty in Afghanistan and then, too, during his time when he lived among the Taliban -- has been thoroughly investigated by the U.S. intelligence community and is the subject of "a major classified file." In conveying as much, the Defense Department source confirmed to Fox News that many within the intelligence community harbor serious outstanding concerns not only that Bergdahl may have been a deserter but that he may have been an active collaborator with the enemy                                  [Keep Reading]

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