Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Video shows organized raid on US-Mexico border: Agents say assault is first of its kind there       Dan Haggerty  Jul 15, 2014
  Video shows an organized raid Sunday on the United States border  from Mexico. Agents tell 10News the assault is the first of its kind in this location.
VIDEO     SAN DIEGO - Video shows an organized raid Sunday on the United States border from Mexico. Agents tell 10News the assault is the first of its kind in this location.Hundreds of people stormed a gap in the wall along the Tijuana River channel about a quarter mile west of the San Ysidro Port of Entry."They were combative," said Assistant Chief Patrol Agent Pete Vasquez. "(They were) throwing rocks and bottles, and flashing gang signs and threatening agents."Agents admitted that the rioters clearly documented the raid for a reason"We think that if they were going to use it as propaganda, somebody would have stepped forward and maybe lay claim to the video, which no one has done yet," said Vasquez.The video is more than six minutes long and was posted to a Mexican blog site. Agents have been using the footage to their advantage by analyzing the clips."You can kind of see one gentleman at the beginning of the video who seems well dressed," said Vasquez. "(He is) kind of leading the event."Agents used pepper spray to disperse the crowd. They tell 10News that despite the large group and threatening actions, the message behind the event is unclear."We're not sure at this time," said Vasquez. "We're still analyzing the video and trying to get any information that we can."  

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