Thursday, October 29, 2015

More than 800,000 refugees RETURNING to Syria as Putin OBLITERATES Islamic State    MORE than 800,000 refugees are set to return to Syria thanks to Vladimir Putin's efforts to smash the Islamic State.   By Tom Parfitt Thu, Oct 29, 2015                                                        

Refugees plan to return to Syria following Russia's airstrikes
Last month Moscow launched a bombing campaign against the twisted State terror group, which controls vast swathes of Syria and has forced thousands of people to flee the country.
Many desperate asylum seekers have made their way to Europe via boats to Greece, with David Cameron agreeing to let 20,000 in Britain over the next five years.
But Russia's bid to wipe out ISIS has been so successful that almost a million Syrians are elected to return to their homeland, Russian politician Dmitry Sablin claimed.


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