Friday, January 8, 2016

Meet Kimberly Corban, the pro-gun rape survivor who challenged Obama on CNN
The Washington Post       Justin Wm. Moyer
Kim Corban speaks to President Obama on CNN’s “Guns in America.”

© Courtesy CNN Kim Corban speaks to President Obama on CNN’s “Guns in America.”
   On May 21, 2006, Kimberly Corban was a 20-year-old student completing her sophomore year at the University of Northern Colorado. She had just finished finals — summer was on its way. She had her whole life ahead of her.
    Then, the unthinkable happened. Around five in the morning, a man broke into her apartment in Greeley, Colo., and, for almost two hours, sexually assaulted her.
“I thought, ‘I’m going to die,'” Corban, now 30, told The Washington Post in a phone interview. “There’s no going back from that.”
   Corban’s story did not exactly have a happy ending — or, at least, the ending is ever-evolving. Though her assailant is now serving 24 years to life in prison, she struggled with depression, PTSD and stress-related seizures. And, speaking about her experience, she came to realize how important it was for women to have access to guns to protect themselves.
   Then, Thursday night on national television, she got to confront the man she thought wanted to take her guns away: President Obama

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