Joe Biden Says He's Embarrassed by America
He should think, as president, how much easier it would make it for him to grope or fondle young girls
02/17/2019 The Hollywood Conservative Staff

In a stunning display of weakness, former Vice-President and top Democratic contender for President Joe Biden announced to our European allies that he is embarrassed by the United States.
Daily Caller has more:
Biden, in an extended apology that prompted loud applause from the delegates at the NATO Munich Security Conference Saturday, suggested the United States had abandoned its bedrock principles and commitment to Europe, the Washington Examiner reports.
Violating a decades-old tradition of leaving politics at home when addressing foreign nationals, the potential 2020 Democratic presidential candidate spent much of his speech suggesting America had violated its commitment to “human decency” and other cornerstones of democracy. Biden has said that he wishes to restore “civility” and “respect” to American politics.
Biden said: “While I cannot speak today as an elected government official who is able to set policy, I can speak as a citizen. I can offer insight into my country. I know we’ve heard a lot today about leadership, but in my experience, leadership only exists if somebody — and others — are with you. Leadership in the absence of people who are with you is not leadership.”
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