Thursday, February 25, 2021

Rand Paul Corners Biden's Transgender Nominee Over Genital Mutilation   Dinesh D'Souza  Published February 25, 2021

Rand Paul confronts Biden's Transgender HHS nominee over genital mutilation during her confirmation hearing

1 comment:

Justin_O_Guy said...


HER confirmation hearing!? I'm so sick of this shit.
Watching a new show, enjoying it okay and WHAM some dude grabs this guy that, up till now I'm thinking one of them is gonna whip the other one like a dog, and they are Kissing.. Gag me change the channel.
I can't tell you what it does to hear some guy casually mention his husband.

Watching America honor and elevate into positions of authority and responsibility,, positions the American people NEED well directed, stable people of good character in, and it looks like the captain of the team is gathering his teammates from the loony bin.
Diversity for the sake of diversity is stupid.
A pink with purple polka dots President is fine, IF he's not crazy.
People who are emotionally disturbed have no business in such positions