Saturday, December 19, 2015

Sure, paint a dismal picture of Grays early life then make him out to be a HERO. That's supposed to excuse him for his behavior. He had high levels of lead in his body which may have altered his thinking...BULL ! I would be more likely to believe that he had poor upbringing, no roll models, wasn't TAUGHT right from wrong, BUT most every one has a conscience

  Why you should know what happened in Freddie Gray’s life — long before his death 
 The Washington Post        

A mural depicting Freddie Gray and the protests following his fatal injury in the custody of Baltimore police, at North Mount Street in the Sandtown-Winchester neighborhood of West Baltimore, on Nov. 15, 2015.© Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post
A mural depicting Freddie Gray and the protests following his fatal injury in the custody of Baltimore police, at North Mount Street in the Sandtown-Winchester…The general statistical profile of the West Baltimore community where Freddie Grey grew up is something most people think they know, even if the details are not committed to memory.
     Here is the truth: The abbreviated and not at all easy life of Freddie Gray was, to some extent, shaped by Gray's choices. He was an American and an adult with at least some of the attendant free will that people assume comes with either status.
    But it is also a life altered and quite likely distorted by the net effects of where and how the wealthy country into which he was born and its voters have decided to distribute its resources. Freddie Gray was an American failed more often by his country than served by it. And yet again this week, after a mistrial was declared in the first of six cases against police officers in whose custody Gray died, only the details of his death have become the subject of any real and sustained public discussion.

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