Saturday, June 6, 2015

Have you noticed a trend with Hillary? She is chronically unavailable to answer questions about her record or her emails. As we at TPPCF have been reporting for the past few months, the scandal surrounding Hillary Clinton’s private email server, as well as her unwillingness to answer questions honestly and completely, illustrate just how non-transparent she has been with the American people. She has also resolutely refused to answer questions from Congress about the attack on our embassy in Benghazi, which occurred during her tenure as Secretary of State. She has avoided Congressional hearings, refused to turn over documents, and in general has not cooperated with the investigation.

And now it seems she is taking that same lack of transparency and unwillingness to answer questions to the campaign trail. As Daily Caller reported this week, Hillary Clinton’s campaign sent out a press release announcing “There will be NO opportunities to interview Hillary Clinton…. Her speech will be the interview.” Perhaps that smug attitude accounts for her declining poll numbers? More on her waning popularity can be found here:
illary Clinton won’t take your questions.   

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